What does someone do who quit their job? Book a flight to LA, right? This was my luggage for 10 weeks of LA, SF and NY. Less but better.

RIMOWA is a brand with heritage. The level of quality I aspire for Amie. Yeah, they're expensive. What's the value of a lifetime?

Venice is a magical place. Sitting there, sketching, drawing and writing. LA is forerunning culture. Especially streets like Abbot Kinney.

In SF I opportunistically put together this deck↗. It taught me to be genuine and willing to break rules. Now most of my decks are vertical.

Building a startup compares to producing a movie↗. Think like this and you understand why so few win.

Creative processes are inflated. You need no fancy tools, WhatsApp might suffice. While in the car with Malte to Lake Tahoe.
Virgil Abloh↗ does most of his work that way.

Malte. Patient and reflected. We shared beds in SF, Lake Tahoe and Berlin.

Edu. Right after one of our nearly daily runs. A very early supporter and dear friend.

The bagels at Russ and Daughters↗ were mind-boggling. We waited for an hour, paid $14 per bagel and it was worth it. Quality.

Cafés were my lab. Here is an experiment of creating a joyful chatbot for habit building.

Timo. What a guy. Always uplifting and generous. Believing in the vision but challenging the details—invaluable.

Why another tote bag brand? Baggu is an absolute product inspiration↗. They have better handles, thicker material, close partially and have a mini bag with a zipper inside. So buttery↗.

Tech products are more art than portrayed. Amie's aesthetic is made of countless museum visits.

Brooklyn Museum. I wish that photo came out sharper. On the other hand, it's just right. Photography is underused in startups.

How could you not love this palette? Yes, I use Instagram in the browser. Makes it more functional and less addictive.

JFK→SFO. Airports resemble pure movement. This was for a potentially life changing meeting. It didn't work out.

This is my 2nd happy place. Morgenstern in New York serves this beauty of ice cream. In their stores I feel like am a kid.

This was the last thing I read before taking off to Cape Town. The end of the start.