How to Share an Apple Calendar – A Step-by-Step Guide


Staying organized and connected is important to all of us. Apple Calendar is a helpful tool for that. It's easy to keep track of dentist appointments to dinner dates. Then you realize – you need to share this calendar with your family, friends, or colleagues. Whether to organize a big event together. Or just trying to stay on top of your daily tasks,

In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to do it in 8 steps

Step 1: Open Your Apple Calendar App

First things first: open up your Apple Calendar app. You can find this app on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac. Once you've launched the app, you should see your main calendar view, with all your events and appointments displayed.

Step 2: Select the Calendar You Want to Share

Next, locate the calendar you want to share in the left-hand sidebar. If you only have one calendar, it will be selected by default. If you have multiple calendars, click on the one you want to share to highlight it.

Step 3: Click on the "i" Icon

Once you've selected the calendar you want to share, click on the little "i" icon next to the calendar name. This will open up the calendar settings menu.

Step 4: Select "Add Person"

In the calendar settings menu, look for the "Add Person" option. Click on this to start the process of sharing your calendar.

Step 5: Enter Email Addresses

A new window will pop up, prompting you to enter the email addresses of the people you want to share your calendar with. You can enter multiple email addresses at once, separated by commas.

Step 6: Set Permissions

Before you send out the invitations, you'll need to set the permissions for your shared calendar. You can choose to give your collaborators full access to make changes to the calendar, or you can limit their access to view-only. Think carefully about who needs what level of access before you make your selection.

Step 7: Send Invitations

Once you've entered all the email addresses and set the appropriate permissions, click the "Add" button to send out the invitations. Your recipients will receive an email notification with a link to view your shared calendar.

Step 8: Manage Your Shared Calendar

After you've shared your calendar, you can manage your sharing settings at any time by going back to the calendar settings menu. From there, you can add or remove people, change permissions, or stop sharing the calendar altogether.

Happy sharing!

Bonus: Sharing a Calendar in Amie

If you're looking for an even easier way to share your calendar, check out Amie. Amie is a calendar app that makes it super simple to share your schedule with others, no matter what device you're using. Just create a calendar, invite your collaborators, and start planning! With features like task management, meeting notes, and more, Amie is the ultimate tool for staying organized and connected.